Monday 31 October 2022

मोबाइल से पैसे कैसे कमाए घर बैठे-how to earn money from mobile sitting at home

मोबाइल से पैसे कैसे कमाए घर बैठे-how to earn money from mobile sitting at home

how to earn money from mobile sitting at home
Paise Kaise Kamaye अथवा online पैसे कमाना शुरू करने से पहले आपको ऑनलाइन पैसे कमाने का सही तरीका पता होना चाहिए।

घर बैठे पैसे कैसे कमाए ऑनलाइन

इसके अलावा इसमें हमने आपको सिर्फ उन्ही तरीकों के बारे में बताया है, जिन तरीकों से हमने भी पैसे कमाया है। अथवा जिनके बारे में हमने स्वयं देखा है कि लोग उन तरीकों से ऑनलाइन पैसे कैसे कमाते हैं

इसके अतिरिक्त हम आपको कुछ Online Income Proof भी दिखाएंगे, जिससे आपको यह विश्वास हो सके कि आप भी ऑनलाइन पैसा कमा सकते हैं। 

इस आर्टिकल में ऑनलाइन पैसे कमाने के बहुत सारे तरीके बताए गए हैं, जिनके बारे में पूरी तरह से जानने के लिए; आपको इस article को पूरा पढ़ना होगा

अगर आप Free में Online Business करना चाहते हैं, तो इसके लिए आप Blogging, YouTube और Social Media जैसे Facebook, Instagram आदि की सहायता ले सकते हैं।

इसके साथ ही अगर आपकी कोई दुकान है, जिसे आप ऑनलाइन लाना चाहते हैं; तो यह काम आप Amazon Seller बनकर बड़ी ही आसानी के साथ कर सकते हैं। 

बिना पैसे के पैसे कैसे कमाए

लोग गूगल पर सर्च करते रहते हैं बिना पैसे लगाए बिजनेस कैसे शुरू करें, bina paise lagaye paise kaise kamaye, ऐसा कौन सा काम करें जिससे पैसा आए और bina investment ke paise kaise kamaye इस तरह के अनेक सवाल हैं जो लोग गूगल पर सर्च करते रहते हैं तो अगर आप भी इन सभी सवालों का जवाब जानना चाहते हैं तो आइए इसके बारे में कंप्लीट जानकारी जानते हैं | 
बिना पैसे लगाये ऑनलाइन पैसे कमाने के तरीके या बिना पैसे लगाए ऑफलाइन पैसे कमाने के तरीके की जानकारी जानना चाहते हैं तो इस लेख में आपको पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी और इसके अलावा और भी कई सारी जानकारी देंगे जिसके बारे में आपको जानना चाहिए | 

बिना इन्वेस्टमेंट के पैसे कैसे कमाए के तो कई सारे तरीके हैं जिस तरीके को आप यूज कर कर पैसे कमा सकते हैं | लेकिन मैं आपको इस लेख में वही तरीके बताऊंगा जो सिक्योर है और उसे आप काफी अच्छा पैसा कमा सकते हैं तो आइए स्टेप बाय स्टेप जानते हैं बिना पैसे के पैसे कैसे कमाए या बिना पैसे की कौन सा बिजनेस करें की कंप्लीट जानकारी | 

रोज पैसे कैसे कमाए

लेकिन हम इसे कैसे सच कर सकते हैं जब तक कि हम यह नहीं जानते कि घर से पैसा कैसे कमाया जाए। और वो भी बिना 9 से 5 जॉब किए बिना।

इस गाइड में, आप अपने घर से 1000 रुपये प्रतिदिन या उससे अधिक कमाने के वास्तविक तरीके सीखेंगे।

हर जॉब कौशल और दृढ़ संकल्प की मांग करता है। अपने कुछ मूल्यवान घंटे खर्च किए बिना हजारों रुपये ऑनलाइन कमाने का कोई तरीका नहीं है।
  • Daily 1000 Rs Kaise Kamaye | 
  •  रोज पैसे कैसे कमाए?
1. ब्लॉग शुरू करके प्रति दिन 1000 रुपये कमाएँ
2. Google Adsense का उपयोग करके प्रति दिन 1000 रुपये कमाएँ
3. लिंक टेक्स्ट का उपयोग करके प्रति दिन 1000 रुपये कमाएं
4. यूट्यूब से हर दिन 1000 रुपए कमाए
5. डिस्प्ले एडस् के साथ भारी मात्रा में कमाई करें
6. सर्वेक्षण करके कमाएं
7. अमेज़न के लिए डिलीवरी करें और पैसे कमाए
8. लेखक बनें
9. फ्रीलांसर के रूप में काम करें
10. किताब या ई-बुक बेचें

इंस्टाग्राम से पैसे कैसे कमाए

1 Instagram से पैसे कमाने का तरीका हिंदी में

1. – Instagram पर अपनी एक Niche (विषय) को चुनें

2 – Instagram पर नियमित रूप से कंटेंट पब्लिश करें

3 – Hashtag का इस्तेमाल करें Instagram पर

2 Instagram से पैसे कैसे कमाए –

2.1 1 – Affiliate Marketing के द्वारा इंस्टाग्राम से पैसे कमाए

2.2 2 – Brand को Promote करके इंस्टाग्राम से पैसे कमाए

2.3 3 – खुद के प्रोडक्ट को बेचकर इंस्टाग्राम से पैसे कमाए

2.4 4 – दुसरे के अकाउंट को प्रमोट करके पैसे कमाए

2.5 5 – इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट को बेचकर पैसे कमाए

2.6 6 – फोटो बेचकर इंस्टाग्राम से पैसे कमाए

गूगल से पैसे कैसे कमाए

गूगल क्या है?

Google से पैसे कैसे कमाए

1. ब्लॉगर द्वारा पैसे कमाए

2. Youtube द्वारा पैसे कमाए

3. Adsense द्वारा पैसे कमाए

4. Google Play store द्वारा पैसे कमाए

5. Admob द्वारा पैसे कमाए
मोबाइल से पैसे कैसे कमाए घर बैठे-how to earn money from mobile sitting at home


आज आपने Google से पैसे कैसे कमाए इसके बारे में जाना। मुझे लगता है की आपको यह अच्छे से समझा होगा और आप इन्हे जरूर follow करेंगे। मै आपको पूरी जानकारी देने की कोशिश करता हु लेकिन फिर भी आपको कोई दिक्कत आती है या आपका कोई सवाल है तो आप हमें पूछ सकते है।


Q. रोज पैसे कैसे कमाए?

Ans.रोज पैसे कमाने के लिए Google AdSense सबसे बढ़िया Option है जिससे आप रोज पैसे कमा सकते है

Q. गूगल प्ले स्टोर से पैसे कैसे कमाए?

Ans. अगर आप गूगल प्ले स्टोर से पैसे कमाना चाहते है तो उसका बेहतरीन तरीका आपको इस आर्टिकल में देखने को मिलेगा।

Q. फ्री मैं पैसे कैसे कमाए?

Ans.अगर आप फ्री में पैसे कमाना चाहते है तो आपके लिए गूगल का ब्लॉगर सबसे बढ़िया जरिया है।

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Blog ➡️➡️ make money online 

Author ➡️➡️ AmitChauhan 

15 best affiliate programs in india 2022

15 best affiliate programs in india 2022
15 best affiliate programs in india 2022

1. Selling products

You can directly sell products through your blog. Based on audience reaction and conversion potential you have to frame your content for these particular types of blogs. Once you are sanguine that your customers are loyal you can afford to sell products through blogging. Therefore, building a bigger audience gets necessary for every blogger from the very beginning.

2. Affiliate marketing

Not that blogs always are meant for selling products. In that case, Affiliate Marketing is a great alternative to earn money. There is no reason to worry if you are a newbie; this article will help you out with A-Z of Affiliate Marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a channel through which you can speak for or promote other products/services. If people come to know about the product from your promotion and buy on your recommendation, then you get your commission from the product manufacturer.

As a blogger, if you don’t have any product to sell of your own, go for promoting products that are worthy of and make money as an Affiliate Marketer. Affiliate Marketing works on the basis ‘Revenue Sharing’ model, where you earn a pie from the profit of the product you promoted.

Affiliate Marketing has successfully expanded the horizon for bloggers to earn more. There are multiple businesses that are earning with Affiliate Marketing.

Let us find out where people get mostly stuck in?

Yes, you have guessed it right- it’s the starting. They get confused about where and how to start Affiliate Marketing.

Since there are myriads of Affiliate Marketing platforms available online people get puzzled which one is supposed to be the best for them? It’s quite obvious. Don’t worry. In this article, you will find out 15 Best Affiliate Marketing Websites to earn online.

1. ShareASale

This is one of the largest and most trusted affiliate networking platforms available on the internet. ShareASale has 4000+ listed businesses in their 18+ years of industry experience.

Therefore, this is the best platform to find a suitable product/s for promotion from bloggers’ and influencers’ standpoint. The platform allows both digital and standard payment options where you can earn your share on the 20th of every month if your balance is above $50. The disadvantages of this platform are negligible. Thus, it is mostly recommended by experts.

2. Shopify Affiliate Program

This has been a popular platform among bloggers and the online retailers for quite a sometime now. Especially for bloggers, you can earn a lot utilizing this platform in a proper way as Shopify being a great selling platform.

The reason being Shopify has been a lucrative platform is its payout in comparison to the other Affiliate Marketing online platforms.

3. Affiliate Window (AWIN)

Having founded in Germany and home to 13,000+ active advertisers and 100,000 publishers, AWIN is one of the largest Affiliate Marketing platforms of our time.

Merchants on AWIN are mostly European countries and it is overall used across 10+ countries across the world. Founded in 2000, this has been one of the most bankable platforms ever by far. The simple user interface has been another reason for the soaring platform of this website.

4. Amazon Associates

Amazon is one of the top contenders when it comes to reliability and brand value. It’s undoubtedly one of the biggest marketplaces in operation. Amazon has a myriad of options for every category of shoppers. That’s why it’s one of the popular mediums for Affiliate Marketing.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing has been one of the top-picks even for a newbie in the world of Affiliate Marketing. You can have up to 10% of the commission of the profit here. There are product options in galore that you can promote.

5. MaxBounty

MaxBounty is a common name in the realm of Affiliate Marketing. Despite a new name it has earned enough repute among the marketers. Established n 2004 in Canada, the target of the platform has been always to attract and promote Affiliate Marketing.

It has 1500+ active campaigns in its success record till now. You can have weekly payments from manufacturers here provided your account balance is above $50.

6. Clickbank

According to features and functionality, this is a similar platform to ShareASale. It offers diverse product categories with multiple sellers which have made it an ideal platform for Affiliate Marketing.

There is a unique product available for everyone in this marketplace. Bloggers can have a wonderfully wide array of product choices to choose from in this platform.

7. CJ Affiliate

It’s a paradise for Affiliate Marketers. Most of the Affiliate Marketers will recommend CJ Affiliate to the newcomers.

People who have been looking for online Affiliate Marketing platforms should consider this one as one of the major opportunities for sure. This platform is brimming with numbers of advertisers and merchants. Thus, you can get a long product list for selection.

8. eBay Partners

eBay has become a crowded jungle with bloggers and Affiliate Marketers. This is one of the leading market places with maximum repute.

There are diverse categories of products to choose from for paid promotions. This feature has helped this platform gain soaring recognition. This site is always stuffed with product selling. For the first 3 months, it will give you a double commission against every product sale from your promotion.

9. Viglink

This website can be called as ‘bloggers’ favorite’. Bloggers can use this platform for ‘Affiliate Marketing’ efficiently.

Bloggers can earn a good amount of money through Affiliate Marketing. A simplified dashboard makes this website user-friendly for everyone.

10. Rakuten Affiliate

This is one of the biggest marketplaces which sell almost all kinds of goods. The reliability of this platform is unquestionable.

There are plenty of products available to promote on this platform. It has an association with biggies like NBA. It’s a hassle-free brand promotional platform

11. JVZoo

JVZoo was founded in 2011. This is a user-centric platform. This one of the greatest perks of this platform.

You can earn your commission instantly through multiple modes. This feature makes the website different from the rest. Start your promotion today as it has varied ranges of products. The commission rates could be a cool 50% and higher.

Also, this a great platform for new product launches. You can open your account for free here. But one of the major drawbacks of this platform is you can earn your commission through Paypal after selling at least 50 products through promotion.

12. Tradedoubler

Whether you are a buyer or an Affiliate this is a favorable platform for both. This website has its major network in Europe and the UK in the majority.

There are 2000+ merchants and more than 180 thousand active publishers are connected through this platform. This huge networking statistics is a bonus from the credibility and reputation standpoint.

13. FlexOffers

‘Quick payment’ is the prime USP of this website. This platform holds major networking which adds to its fame and integrity.

This is a 10-year old Affiliate Marketing platform. They might not have many striking features but this is a standard platform any day. You can select multiple categories of products that keep on attracting customers and marketers to this site.

14. Target Affiliates

As a blogger, you can choose this platform for Affiliate Marketing. Much like Amazon’s Affiliate platform, this site also scores on bankability. Yet, the conversion rate is much lower than Amazon.

You can start earning with targeted product selling easily here. This site is popular among Americans. It has also earned a reputation all across the globe.

You can enjoy maximum flexibility while selling any good here. You can fix a payout up to 80% which is reasonably low in comparison to the other major platforms.

15. Flipkart Affiliate

Flipkart is among the largest e-commerce players in India. Flipkart’s referral payout differs for desktop/mobile websites and mobile apps. The average commission offered ranges from 6% to 20%, depending on the category.

also offers a range of affiliate tools like banners, widgets, and APIs for listing Flipkart deals/products on your own site/app. You can track the performance of referral links and conversions with real-time reports offered by Flipkart.

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15 best affiliate programs in india 2022


Select your products carefully and prepare a goal in alignment with them. Also, have a look at the payment methods and pick a suitable one for yourself.

Start your journey with Affiliate Marketing today if you want a steady earning through blogging.

Good luck!

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Sunday 30 October 2022

200 Social Media Marketing Tactics


200 Social Media Marketing Tactics
200 Social Media Marketing Tactics

200 tips on social media marketing so you can take full advantage of these free, high traffic sites.


Tips on choosing which social media site to use


Tips on getting started with a social media site


Tips on keeping subscribers glued to your page/account


Tips on using multimedia content


Tips on using language


Tips on using YouTube effectively


Tips on how to expand the reach of your social media account


Tips on outsourcing work and task


Tips on dealing with trolling, defamation, and other derogatory comments from users


Tips on using Facebook


Tips on using Twitter


Tips for safety


200 Social Media Marketing Tactics
200 Social Media Marketing Tactics

Tips on involvements you should avoid


Tips on measuring and improving the effectiveness of your social media account


Tips on coming up with a good content


Tips on writing your comments and posts effectively


Tips on unique ways to deliver your message


Tips on improving customer relationships


Tips on dealing with competition


Tips on financing your social media account


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How Can I Use This Powerful Guide Right Now ?

You can own 200 Social Media Marketing Tactics today for a mere $7.00.

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Did I mention this eBook is only $7.00 It’s definitely a point worth repeating. You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource.

Click here to link below ☝ 200 Social Media Marketing Tactics

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Wednesday 26 October 2022

Meet the modern way to manage your business or job remotely


Meet the modern way to manage your business or job remotely
Meet the modern way to manage your business or job remotely

How to Get Started? 

Getting started is quick and simple. You will also be given a step by step walkthrough for each step when you sign-up, but for now, here's how to get started in just 4 steps:

Step 1 - Sign Up and Create a Team

After you sign up on the 'sign-up' page, you can ask others to join your team so that you can keep track of all of your orders in one place, share a payment method, and cooperate more effectively.

Only admins can invite new members. An administrator can also terminate a member's membership or revoke an invitation extended to a potential member. Non-Fiverr Business users can get invitations via email, but they must first sign up for a Fiverr account to participate on the Fiverr Business platform. 

To invite additional people to join your team:

Once logged in, click on Team on the top menu bar.Click on the Invite button found in the top right corner.You'll get a pop-up window to add the email address, click Send Invite. If you wish to add more people, just click on "invite another person."

Step 2 - Start a Project

The Projects feature in your Fiverr Business account will allow you to create several projects, as well as related team members and orders, to ensure successful project management while also providing a tailored experience based on the projects' characteristics.

Large and medium-sized organizations can use the Projects and Orders pages to create projects, invite members to projects, archive and delete projects, and track project spending.

From the Orders menu, you can:

View your orders (By clicking on the orders and the number of orders, the project task will lead to the Orders menu, automatically filtered by the Project selected).Manage the project Members addedView the project detailsCreate a new Archive the ProjectLeave the Project 

Step 3 - Find a Service

How to search for a service on the platform:

On the homepage, in the search bar that appears at the top of the page, enter the service you are looking for, and click on the green Search button.

Then enter the service in the homepage banner area and click on the Search button.

Once you have been directed to the results page, you will see several filters at the top of the page. Whilst these filters may vary depending on the category or subcategory of your service, you can set your preferred budget, delivery time, and specific seller details that will enable you to narrow down your search for the perfect seller for the service you require.

The most common filters we see are:

Delivery Time: Filter sellers based on your preferred delivery time.Budget: Filter your search between two price points.Online Status: See if the Seller is logged in to Fiverr's platform in real-time.

Depending on the category, you may see more filters. For example, Graphics & Design has "Style," "File Format," and "Service Includes" that help narrow down your service requirements and ensure better results.

Step 4 - Get a Quote

How to Get a Quote

Find your Gig of choice by browsing through the thumbnails on the homepage, category, or subcategory pages. It is also possible to go directly to a Seller's profile page if you know their username.Once logged in, from the marketplace on the homepage or category/subcategory pages, click the Seller's Gig you would like to order.Click Get a Quote on either the Seller's profile or Gig page.Describe the specific service you are looking for and attach any relevant files (up to 1GB). This will help the seller cater to your specific request.Select the specific criteria for your order. For example, you can select gender, language, age range, purpose, accent, and so on. This is optional and varies based on the type of service you require.Select the service delivery time expected upon order placement.Enter your budget for the service requested (optional).Click Submit Request.

The Seller will receive your request and reply with a quote. You may decline or continue to purchase.

We recommend communicating with the seller before making any payments. 

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Meet the modern way to manage your business or job remotely

Saturday 22 October 2022

Stop Chasing Tiny Affiliate Commissions This is How You Make 6 Figures with Amazon, The Easy Way


Amazon Affiliate Marketing

You very own “Amazon Affiliate Marketing” coach... This is the next best thing to a private Amazon Affiliate Marketing coach... Do you need an Amazon Affiliate Marketing coach?

[AmazonAffiliateMarketing], This is the next best thing to having an Amazon Affiliate Marketing expert right

beside you showing you how it’s done... Do you think you’d see better results than if you just went through the text-based

guide you just purchased and tried to do it all on your own?

Of course you would. But there’s a big problem with hiring a private coach... If you could find someone that’s actually qualified to teach you this sort of stuff, in

most cases, it would be extremely expensive for one-on-one help… Most people can’t afford to spend hundreds of dollars per month (or more) on a

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

private coach… even though it would be worth the investment. But, what if you could get the next best thing?

The good news is… You can. Click the link below now to find out how... >>>LINK TO UPSELL SALES PAGE

Here’s to become an Amazon Affiliate Expert!


PS – As life-changing as this upgrade is, you’ll be surprised at just how small the

investment is when you get this >>>LINK TO UPSELL SALES PAGE

Wednesday 19 October 2022

how to earn money online without investment for students

how to earn money online without investment for students

how to earn money online without investment for students  With lots of people stuck at home these days stay-at-home spouses, homemakers, retirees             

how to earn money online without investment for students

Take Up Freelancing 

you are someone who is good at writing, programming, editing, photography, designing, or any other such skills, you can earn money online as a freelancer. You just need to register yourself as a freelancer on portals like Upwork, Fiverr, or Truelancer. Then you can start marketing your skills to potential clients.

Start Tutoring Online

Students are constantly learning new things, so one easy way to earn money online is to share some of this knowledge. Whether you want to tutor school children or provide courses for adults who want to learn something 

You can either sign up with a virtual tutoring platform like Udemy, SkillShare, or Coursera, or simply reach out on social media to friends and relative circles to broadcast your online tutoring classes.

Find Data Entry Jobs

Another option for students looking to earn money online without investment is data entry jobs. Since it offers flexibility, this can be a good option for part-time work.

All you need to do is register at a trusted website like Freelancer, Data Plus, Axion Data Entry Services or Guru, and you can start accepting data entry jobs from companies worldwide. However, remember to check their legitimacy before transferring your account details.

how to earn money online without investment for students

Fill Online Surveys

Survey sites are another example of online jobs without investment that allows you to make quick money. All you need to do is log on to the many websites available, fill in some contact information,

5.PointsZen Surveys
how to earn money online without investment for students

Online Typing Jobs

Another one of the easy online jobs without investment in online typing. If you’re a student, a stay at home parent, or retired and are looking for ways to get some extra cash while working from home, online typing jobs are one of the easiest work from home options.



Q.Which online job is best for student?

Ans.The Top 8 Online Jobs for Students

Virtual assistant.
Freelance writer.
Freelance graphic designer.
Web designer.
Video editor.
Photo editor.

Q.How can I earn 1000 a day without investment for students?

Ans.It is not that hard to earn 1000 rs per day without investment online you can easily achieve it by working hard on just one skill and mastering it.

Video Editing.
Graphic Designing.
Virtual Assistant.
Instagram Pages.
Sell Merchandise.
Captcha work.
Refer & Earn.
Click here to link below ☝ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


a person should be clear on what they want to do and their strengths and weaknesses. The time you know your strengths, you can improve your weaknesses and can do great things ahead in your life.

While searching for a job/internship or part-time job, always remember not to pay any amount. Some fraud websites ask for money for registering. If they do so, the website or company might be illegitimate. Instead, try to apply from the website you have heard of or has an exact name or is reputed and known for providing legitimate services in the market.

Being a student gives you lots of opportunities; to think, research and then apply. Know the advantages and disadvantages of the work you are planning to do, and if that job will be trending in the future. Try to avoid any person or website that guarantees you to provide a job only when a certain amount is paid. Beware of fraudulent sites, work hard, learn new things, improve your skills, and you will get a perfect job.

Monday 10 October 2022

How to generate sales with email marketing today


How to generate sales with email marketing today

Discover specifically however your email list will cause you to large sales! Building A Profitable Email List is that the neatest thing you'll Do on-line.

How To alter Your on-line Sales method With Email Marketing! Finally Be ready to Generate Sales, Revenue, And Life-Long Customers! begin making Profitable Lists whenever.

How to generate sales with email marketing


1. Your email message should have a precise 'from' heading where you put in your name or the name of your organization.

How to generate sales with email marketing today
How to generate sales with email marketing today

2. The headline on your email should be exact and relate to the genuine substance of your email.

How to generate sales with email marketing today
How to generate sales with email marketing today

3. Make a point to obviously mark your email assuming that it contains grown-up

How to generate sales with email marketing today

In this ebook you can gain knowledge about email marketing you will become email marketing expert after read this ebook

If you want to sale your products or services online with email marketing it's the best book for you

Click here to link ☝👇👇

How to generate sales with email marketing today

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Name >> Amit Chauhan 

Bye 9 To 5 Review-A Beginner’s Guide to Making Money on YouTube


🔰 Bye 9 To 5 Review

🔰 A Beginner’s Guide to Making Money on YouTube

YouTube is a goldmine for monetizing your content. It offers various income-generating opportunities that let you get more value out of your videos.

When it comes to making money, not many platforms can outdo YouTube. It lets you start a business with no money (or at least not a lot of it), making the beginning of your entrepreneurship journey less financially straining.


                              Bye 9 To 5 Review

Whether you’re running a work-from-home business, nurturing a community, or creating how-to videos, the platform has the bells and whistles needed to draw views, engagements, and sales to your venture. After all, the website is flooded with millions of monthly visitors. If you can somehow funnel a portion of YouTube’s monthly visitors to your videos, you’ll be in a very good position to make money.

🔰 starting a YouTube channel of course. Once your channel is up, you can pursue several monetization methods.

In this guide, we will cover how you can make money on YouTube using the methods below:

AdSenseYouTube Partner ProgramSponsored Content

                     Bye 9 To 5 Review

🔰 1. Create an AdSense account

To begin making money from your YouTube channel, start by setting up an AdSense account.

AdSense is a program run by Google that allows you to earn money by matching the right ads to your website and YouTube videos based on your visitors and content.

Advertisers create and pay for the ads that Google displays along with your content. When visitors click the ads and they reach a specific threshold, you’ll get the earnings deposited to your AdSense account.

                       Bye 9 To 5 Review

🔰 To sign up for an AdSense account, follow these steps.

Go to this page.Click Get started.On the next page, enter your YouTube channel URL and your email address. You can also select Yes on customized help and performance suggestions.AdSense will detect your YouTube URL and offer a much easier sign-up process. Click Continue on YouTube.Follow the on-screen sign-up process, including signing in to your Google account, selecting your country or territory, and reviewing and accepting the AdSense Terms and Conditions.

After completing the setup process, you’re ready to monetize your published YouTube content.

                       Bye 9 To 5 Review

🔰 Partner with a sponsor

Working directly with sponsors is another way to make money off YouTube. This means your sponsors will pay you directly and YouTube doesn’t take a cut.

That is why paying for sponsored content is a popular social media marketing tip that YouTubers and influencers advocate -- it’s where they make loads of money

                         Bye 9 To 5 Review

🔰 Find potential brand partners: You have full control over which brands to work with. If your content is mostly about beauty, connect with makeup brands and send your pitch through their official channels, email, or even direct messages.

🔰 Integrate brands in your content: On average, videos are the most expensive sponsored content that brands buy from influencers. Better content means more engagement and views. Integrate your sponsors, such as their brand name or products, within your content to bring them (and your channel) more sales

🔰 Start monetizing your videos

Earning a steady stream of income on YouTube doesn’t just happen overnight. Besides creating meaningful and interesting video content, you need the right strategies, grit, and consistency to carve out your corner in the YouTube market successfully


                            Bye 9 To 5 Review

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Email software can get confusing and overwhelming. Follow this quick-start guide to master any email autoresponder in 20 minutes or less. Easily setup and automate your email marketing with a few clicks. Plus, I’ll show you how to get a free email autoresponder for 30 days!



Writing is a skill that requires thousands of hours of practice. Who’s got that time for that? Just use these interchangeable and reusable email templates to promote virtually any affiliate offer in any niche market.



How to set up an automated business using an ugly 1-page website and an email autoresponder



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The #1 reason affiliate marketers fail is because they don’t know where or how to get traffic. I’m not going to teach you how to drive traffic. I’ll show you where to get it automatically, even if you’re a beginner. Use the same traffic source I use!


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See and understand how to cherry pick high-converting and high-paying affiliate offers to set yourself up for success in today’s economy.


Find out the one go-to traffic source I use to promote affiliate offers profitably even in saturated niche markets where traffic cost is really high for most affiliate marketers.


You should never send traffic directly to your affiliate link, because you will get lower conversions. Get my proven landing page template to increase your conversions when promoting affiliate offers. Plus, build a responsive email list in the process, you can email regularly for more sign ups.


Affiliate marketing isn’t complicated, but there is a lot of misleading advice out there. Cut through the noise and find out what works. I tested all the methods to find out what works and what doesn’t work, until I found the one method that works like clockwork.


Body: Who said you should only promote one affiliate program? The beauty of affiliate marketing is you can build multiple automated campaigns simultaneously.


Time is your most precious resource. Save time by following the shortest path to the results you want with affiliate marketing


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Let’s be honest - affiliate marketing can get very technical for an average person. So I created the least technical path for a beginner to take. It still involves doing all kinds of technical stuff, only I removed the guesswork. I tell you which tools to use, show you on screen how to use them, when to use them and how to avoid paying for tools if you possibly can.

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benefits of exercise☝

Affiliate marketing is-seo in digital marketing

digital marketing is
digital marketing is

Topics covered

Email List Management Secrets.

Content Marketing Formula.

Affiliate Marketing Mastery.

Affiliate Marketing Mastery 

With the growing age of technology and the ease that comes with t in more

departments, more and more people are looking for ways to use it as a source off

income and find ways to work fromt without having to leave their houses remotely! One

field of work that provides this feasibility is Affliate Marketing. and t has grown mainly in

the few previous years. It has grown so massively that it has shifted from being a

secondary source of income to a primary souroe of income for many people.

Affiliate marketing is considered to be a part of a billion-dollar online industry and one

that will only continue to grow in the upcoming years. No doubt starting a new job is a

risky opportunity to take; either you make it, or you break it. But with the new age of

modern technology, never underestimate the power you hold! But what exactly is

ATliate Marketng, and how will you know what to do if you do opt for it as a career

choice? Well, worry, not! You have come to just the right place. Our intensive guide on

the world of afiliate marketing will provide you details on all the ins-and-outs of affiliate

marketing. and if you follow it, we can almost guarantee you success in it as well


Internet Marketing Secrets.

Get Started With Webinar.

Insta Profit Magnet.

Google Plus Money Making Tactics.

Google Plus Money Making Tactics.
Google Plus Money Making Tactics.

Blogging Traffic Mantra.

Social Media Marketing Revolution.

Facebook Marketing Unleashed.

Traffic Beast.

Pinterest Profits. 

Make First $100 On The Web.

Video Marketing Unleashed.

Twitter Success.

Digital marketing
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Pinterest marketing
Pinterest marketing 

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 Social Media Activity plays a Huge Role 

There is no denying that the internet is the most commonly used accessory for any
living person out there who has any touch of technology in their life. With the use of
the internet, social media is now at the forefront of the most comm
Affiliate marketing mystery
Affiliate marketing mystery

only used
programs or applications that are making t big in the worid. to make use of social
media for affiliate marketers is essential now. You can easily choose a platform that
works well with the target audience you are more focused on, and even optimize
according to locabon or age-group, and use social media as a platform to provide
links to, advertisements to and promote your site to get the traffic on it.

3. Make use of Bonuses or Discount Offers:

Everybody likes to buy things for as cheap an offer they can get, and more than that,
f something is free, it is hkely to grab the most attention! This can be put into play
when it comes to affiliate marketing. Offering your audience with bonuses, discount
offers, or even free giveaways is likely to get the most trafic on your website, as
people will flock in with the numbers to get what you have to offer, even if they don't
necessarily want it. This is a good way of ensuring traffic in the long run as even
long after the offer is gone, people will still have heard about your site due to it and
will continue to visit or shop on it.

4.Start Blogging Effectively:

Blogging is perhaps one of the most basic ways to promote a website or generate
traffic to it. Blogging gives you the freehand for talking about a website you re trying
to promote as much as you like and however you want to. You can indude any
content to it, such as images or infographics. Since tutorials are also an eficient
form of content for aftiate marketing. you can also include a tutorial in your blog. As
long as you give your honest opinion about t, it can be a great way to promote your
affiliate marketing endeavours. Include links, banners and ads in the blog to ensure
more people can reach to your site.

5. Search Engine Optimization:

Search Engine Optimization is a commonly opted for and a very eficient tool when it
comes to promoting anything online, which can include sites and pages for affiliate
marketing to generate traffic to it. Search engine optimization will allow your website
to show up on searcn engine result pages through natural or organic searches. Ihis
may not be the quickest method for generating traffic to your site, but it is one that
has a future payback and will help you out in the long run. Search engine
optimization will continue driving in traffic to your sites and pages for a prolo

As previously mentioned, there is no completely effective method of ensuring traffic
to your site. You will try to act on a few options before you figure out what works best
for you and your offers. Keeping yourself practice will surely ensure Success in the
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Unlocking the Secrets: How to Earn Money on Instagram the Easy Way

Unlocking the Secrets: How to Earn Money on Instagram the Easy Way Introduction: The Power of Instagram and Its Potential for Generating Inc...